Entries by Matt

Parashat Miketz

This is a past Snapchatorah where Hillel Fuld takes the Torah portion, learns some lessons and apply them to entrepreneurship and startups. This weeks Torah portion is called Miketz which means ‘After.’ The story is of a very interesting one with endless valuable lessons for entrepreneurs. Last week we talked about Jacob and his 12 sons, […]

Parashat Vayetze

The portion talks about Jacob leaving Israel, exiting his comfort zone, entering a strange place, hitting obstacles, overcoming those obstacles using cold hard rocks, then dreaming big about a ladder that bridges between the ground (execution) and the skies (your vision) This weeks Torah Portion is called Vayetze, וַיֵּצֵא which means “He left” and the […]

Parashat Vayeira

  This weeks Torah portion Vayeira which means “He appeared” starts with a famous scene of three travelers who we find to be Angels visiting a  recovering Abraham. Not wanting to miss out on the mitzvah of Hachnasat Orchim – hospitality to guests, Abraham runs towards the travelers to greet them. Let a little water be brought; […]

Parashat Lech Lecha

The start of this weeks Parasha G-d told Abram to leave his home and his father’s house for another land. This reminded me of my favorite chapter in Jason Calacanis book Angel.   Chapter 5: Do You Need to be in Silicon Valley to be a Great Angel Investor? Yes   The real estate adage of  […]

Parashat Noach

  This weeks Torah Portion is about Noach, the flood, building of the Ark and tower of Babel Noah was six hundred years old when the Flood came, waters upon the earth. Genesis.7.6 The Myth of the Young Entrepreneur is not supported by research The Average Age of a Successful Startup Founder Is 45. Don’t believe if […]

Parashat Bereshit

“Bereshit” The name of this weeks Torah portion “Bereshit” which literally means “In the beginning.” In the creation of the universe, we are bound to find lessons on creating a startup. One verse that stood out to me was And God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.” Genesis 1:26 “Let […]

Parashat Ki Tavoh

This a past #Snapchatorah where Hillel Fuld takes the Torah portion, learns some lessons and apply them to entrepreneurship and startups. “Ki Tavoh” What happens after you arrive in the land. The name of this weeks Torah portion “Ki Tavoh” which literally means when you come, as in when you come to the land of […]

Parashat Ki Tetzeh

This a past #Snapchatorah where Hillel Fuld takes the Torah portion, learns some lessons and apply them to entrepreneurship and startups. Ki Tetzeh is jam-packed with mitzvos (commandments) of all kinds This weeks Torah Portion Ki Tetzeh Which means “when you go out” is super unique for so many reasons. Number one, its the portion […]

Parashat Shoftim

This a past #Snapchatorah where Hillel Fuld takes the Torah portion, learns some lessons and apply them to entrepreneurship and startups. This weeks Torah Portion is called Shoftim which literally means “judges,” and deals with building a society, morality, and ethics The Portion starts off : שפטים ושטרים תתן־לך בכל־שעריך – Judges and police officers […]